VOSOMWO is a non-governmental and non profit and voluntary organization. Working in Human rights, environmental protection and community development.
VOSOMWO is a non-governmental and non profit and voluntary organization. Working in Human rights, environmental protection and community development.

The Voice of Somaliland minority women organization acronym as (VOSOMWO) was officially launched in 20th august 2004 in Hargeisa, the capital city of Somaliland, the founders are some minority women activists and human right defenders from the three outcast minority communities ( Named Goboye, Tumals and Yibirs) and other well-wishers from the majority clans.
Our Programs
Environmental Development
Environmental development Program for Integrated Community Based Water Conservation
Human Rights
To advocate minority women and child, to promote and protect the rights of minority women and child
Education and skill training
To empower unskilled minority women with employable skills and make them acceptable in Somaliland job market
Offering fundamental health literacy skills to the families such as first aid, family planning and nutritional management
Income Generation
To develop minority women skills and to replace the FGM practice with provisional practice
Media and Films Producion
Publications of a bimonthly newsletter Releasing debates, discussions and programs
Where We Work
VOSOMWO service provision reaches and benefits all the members from three outcast minority communities the Goboye, Tumals, and Yibirs in all six regions of Somaliland

Projects Completed
Satisfied Donors
News & Events
The Vosomwo organization, which works on women’s woman protection, held a discussion …
The Vosomwo organization has trained people living in IDP camps hargeisa on …
Protection and empowerment of the migrant women and girls for their access …
Kulan ballaadhan oo uu soo qaban-qaabiyey Ururka Waddaniga ah ee Vosomwo …
Handwashing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread …
Our Partners