Working together to eliminate ethnic discrimination against the four outcast minority groups in Somaliland

News & Events

A discussion about how to participate with women of Somaliland to participate and play a role in the country’s politics and areas of government.

VOSOMWO in collaboration with the SIHA network has organized a discussion to discuss the grievances of women from Somaliland to participate and play a role in the country’s politics and areas of government. The challenges were viewed from the perspective of culture and religion, the religion holds that women should have a prominent role in …

A discussion about how to participate with women of Somaliland to participate and play a role in the country’s politics and areas of government. Read More »


The Voice of Somaliland minority Women organization known as VOSOMWO, with helping IRI was made awareness raising in three schools in city of Hargeisa, This awareness was focused on the elimination of discrimination against students from culturally deprived areas and students with special needs, awareness was also implemented in three schools namely Nasa hablood primary …


Training report on Human rights, Sexual Gender based violence (SGBV), and Referral pathway for the IDPs Community Protection Groups.

VOSOMWO in collaboration with SIHA NETWORK organized a training for the IDP community protection committee in Hargeisa. The training was attended by the heads of the SIHA NETWORK, Somaliland office, as well as some of the traditional leaders and the community committee of the displaced people who were invited to this training. The training event …

Training report on Human rights, Sexual Gender based violence (SGBV), and Referral pathway for the IDPs Community Protection Groups. Read More »

The women’s voice organization VOSOMWO held a large-scale meeting in Hargeisa to discuss the challenges facing women with political pride….

August 20, 2022 The women’s voice organization VOSOMWO held a large-scale meeting in Hargeisa to discuss the challenges facing women with political pride and the abuses they face in the field of culture.  The meeting that took place in Hargeisa was first addressed by the General Director of the organization, Mrs. Hibak, who spoke about …

The women’s voice organization VOSOMWO held a large-scale meeting in Hargeisa to discuss the challenges facing women with political pride…. Read More »

Skills training center of Daami.

This newly established skills training center is currently equipped with sewing machines and literacy lessons to train 20 female returnees over the course of six months in traditional skills, basic literacy, and tailoring skills. Without much backing. VOSOMWO Minority Women and Abu Huraira Charity Foundation have started a training program.

Aqooniswaydaarsi Ku Saabsan Kor U Qaadida Wacyiga Siyaasada iyo Horumarinta Beelaha La dhaqanku naa Oo Borama Lagu Qabtay

  Aqoonisweydaarsi ku saabsan sidii kor loogu qaadi wacyiga siyaasadda iyo horumarinta beelaha la haybsooco ayaa Boorama looga furay xubno ka mid ah beelahaasi ee degaanka Boorama. Aqoonisweydaarsigan oo ay soo qabanqaabiyey ururka lagu magacaabo Codka haweenka la haybsooco ee Soomaaliland ee VOSOMWO ,ayaa waxa kasoo qaybgalay masuulyiinta Maamulka gobolka awdal ,hogaamiye dhaqameedyo iyo marti …

Aqooniswaydaarsi Ku Saabsan Kor U Qaadida Wacyiga Siyaasada iyo Horumarinta Beelaha La dhaqanku naa Oo Borama Lagu Qabtay Read More »

Ururka VOSOMWO oo Faahfaahiyey Faa’iidooyinka Laga Dhaxlay Xidhiidhka Saaxibtimo ee Somaliland iyo Taiwan

Ururka VOSOMWO oo Faahfaahiyey Faa’iidooyinka Laga Dhaxlay Xidhiidhka Saaxibtimo ee Somaliland iyo Taiwan… Dood Cilmiyeed uu ay si wada-jir ah usoo qaban-qaabiyeen ururka Codka Haweenka ee VOSOMWO iyo Taiwan, ayaa Lagu lafo-guray guulaha la taaban-karo ee Somaliland ka faaiiday Xidhiidhka Sannaad jirsaday ee Somaliland iyo Taiwan. Kulankan uu soo qaban-qaabiyeen ururka u Dooda xuquuqda beelaha …

Ururka VOSOMWO oo Faahfaahiyey Faa’iidooyinka Laga Dhaxlay Xidhiidhka Saaxibtimo ee Somaliland iyo Taiwan Read More »

VOSOMWO iyo hayadda IRI oo Wacyigelin Balaadhan ka Bixiyay Hannaanka Codbixinta

Ururka Codka Haweenka ee VOSOMWO iyo hayadda IRI oo iskaashanya ayaa wacyigelin balaadhan oo ku saabsan Hannaanka Codbixinta ka sameeyay magaalada Hargaysa iyo Gabiley , iyago u qaybiyey dadweynaha fariimaha muhiimkau ah doorashada isku sidkan ee golaha wakiilada iyo deegaanka , 31 may,2021 waxa uu Bulshada Somaliland ee qaatay Kaadhka Codbixiyaasha ugu baaqaya inuu raaco …

VOSOMWO iyo hayadda IRI oo Wacyigelin Balaadhan ka Bixiyay Hannaanka Codbixinta Read More »